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- Tetsuo Naka, Takeshi Uemori, Ryutaro Hino, Masahide Kohzu, Kenji Higashi and Fusahito Yoshida: Effects of strain rate, temperature and sheet thickness on yield locus of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheet, Journal of Materials Processing Technology,
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- Fusahito Yoshida, Yuya Kaneda and Shigeo Yamamoto: A plasticity model describing yield-point phenomena of steels and its application to FE simulation of temper rolling, International Journal of Plasticity, 24-10 (2008.10), pp. 1792-1818.
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- Takeshi Uemori, Yuji Mito, Satoshi Sumikawa, Ryutaro Hino, Fusahito Yoshida and Tetsuo Naka: Plastic Deformation Behavior of High Strength Steel Sheet under Non-proportional Loading and Its Modeling, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 22-31/32 (2008.12), pp. 5394-5399.
- A. Hirahara, R. Hino, F. Yoshida and V. V. Toropov: Numerical Optimization of Sheet Metal Forming Process Using New Fracture Criterion, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 22-31/32 (2008.12), pp. 5692-5698.
- Tetsuo Naka, Yasuhide Nakayama, Takeshi Uemori, Ryutaro Hino, Fusahito Yoshida, Masahide Kohzu and Kenji Higashi: Fld of Az31 Sheet under Warm Stretching and Its Prediction, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 22-31/32 (2008.12), pp. 6010-6015.
- R. Hino, F. Yoshida, N. Nagaishi and T. Naka: Incremental Sheet Forming with Local Heating for Lightweight Hard-to-form Material, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 22-31/32 (2008.12), pp. 6082-6087.
- Michihiro Takiguchi, Tetsuya Yoshida and Fusahito Yoshida: Effects of Temperature and Forming Speed on Plastic Bending of Adhesively Bonded Sheet Metals, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 22-31/32 (2008.12), pp. 6253-6258.